Friday, October 3, 2014

06-24-11 - The Great Northfield Parade

Richard J. Warren
There's Frank James and Jesse James
Billy the Kid and all the rest
Supposed to be some bad cats
Way out in the West
189.7 Miles
Waking up to sunshine. “And we will praise it. And love the light that puts a smile your face.”
I leave camp and stop in Victoria for $5.00 of gas - I want to buy more at a cheaper station along the way. I as if anyone knows here I can do laundry. No one is from around there but they suggest Chanhassen . I look up Laundromats on the internet and Chanhassen is the closest. I find the place and wash and dry various itemes that need it, chief among them are my jeans. I‘m nearly done with the writing when two little girls run ing to get change from the bill changer for candy from the concession machine and the oldest of the two says “you can’t have your dog in here - it says so over there”. I’m always pissed off at this kind of exclusion but I’m not going to get upset at a little “know it all” girl.
Am I ?
“Where does it say that” I ask. (‘cuz I’ve looked and actually couldn’t find a sign)
“There” she points at the little sign applied in a position where it’s is only really seen from the outside and is obscured by metal door handles near it. And I have not yet heard back from the person I was hoping to be able to interview. I have to more on.
Time is getting on
On to Northfield
I know I have enough gas to get there after stopping south of the city to get some cheaper gas ($3.49)
As I come into town I’m surprised to see that “Malt-o-Meal” is big in Northfield
I get into the center of the town and search for the building where the James - Younger ill fated Northfield bank robbery took place.
First, I cross a bridge above a river and enter the town. It is a lovely and historic downtown, but there is also a since of thriving younger businesses making themselves a part of the fabric of the culture. Past and present merged. Very Touristy, and yet a community all it’s own. And a very European feel to the town’s look and feel. There are two colleges/universities in the town and that helps the mix. I get my pictures and then look for a shady area to park for Mischa. She has gotten antsy and it’s clear she needs to get out, relieve herself and prance around abit.
We go to the riverside and walk along it. I read a layout of the town and later see a place that says the town is largely here and triving because of the mill down the river from me. The first owner sold it to (ironically) a Jessie Ames (one letter off!) and he and his sons moved the mill to the side of the river where it currently sits. They won many awards for their millwork. Years later they sold it to the people who would create “Malt-O-Meal”. And the rest, as they say, is history.
I go for internet access in the shade. I’ve found out that the person I’d hoped to interview will not be available to do so. I guess it works out. I’d already left.
I was already near empty…I put my last five dollars into the tank and had planned to drive to Red Wing and then down the river to Winona.
But as I get to a freeway overpass I assess my assets. I need to get to Winona to pick up some mail that has been sent to me there. That is the essential destination. I’ve had to forego a lot of things I’d like to do and places I’d like to have gone on this trip. This will be just another on the list.
But will I have enough to make it to Winona?
I get to Rochester on fumes. My Garmin kept on trying to take me on routes that seemed dubious at best. The fact that it is at least 4 years out of date, I’ve learned not to trust it when a map doesn’t seem to verify it’s routing.
I get on the interview and check to see if anyone has responded to my “SOS” to the world. Before leaving Northfield, I posted an “Urgent Need” post asking for help to get me to Winona.
Tammy Wilson, a friend from Oklahoma and buddy of the provider of my new tent, Larry, has joined my subscribers list with a $25 deposit in my paypal account. I can get to Winona. This is great news! But I’m not out of the woods quite yet. Her $25 is now showing as $17.50 because a purchase that was run thru as a charge has finally come in.
This is a frequent problem. Gas stations especially have problems putting thru debit purchases…they seem to prefer them as charges. And checks to parks - sometimes don’t process for 2 months. Keeping track of what’s a current balance and what hasn’t processed thru can often mess you up.
So I have gas, and I get to Winona. It is surprising. I expected it to be low and flat beside the Mississippi River. I come into a deep gorge defile. To my left up a high flagstone mountain is a cylindrical sandy cone. I find out that it is called “Sugarloaf”.
It catches my attention from the back side of the approach to the south side of Winona. I go to Walmart thinking I may be sleeping there tonight. I call my nephew, Josh and an old college friend and housemate, Rick. I explain my situation. Josh has to check things out financially and will call me back. I tell him, if things are tight, just say no. I get Rick and he is willing to join up as a supporter. I needed $20 for a nights camping. I will have a place to sleep tonight and perhaps tomorrow as well. Maybe a little gas to enter Wisconsin on Sunday - the 24th state. Half way done. Moments later, I get a call back from Josh. He’s already put in $25. I’m and thankful, though a little guilty. I think this might have been financially uncomfortable for him . It would have been ok for him to say “No”. But this does guarantee that I’ll be able to enter, at least, Wisconsin.
There is huge question at this moment how much more this will go on. I hope to “Go the Distance”, but fundraising is like the battle of Sisyphus. And always out of my comfort zone.
I have concerns. Concerns about my health. Concerns about Mischa’s health especially. She’s lost at least 8 pounds since we began and I don’t know why. I don’t know if she hs been affected by tick bites. I’ve found a few on her and removed them…but have I missed some?
I have needs to keep from losing everything I own in storage. I have one week of medicine left. I need to keep my car insurance and auto club insurance current. All of this now coming on top of the basic need for gas, lodging and …occasionally food.
I’ve cut back on that the most. I think the last weeks food budget has been less than $28 for the entire week.
These are the things that keep me up at night.
The drive to the campsite was stunningly beautiful the sunset to the west highlighted Sugarloaf mountain. And the drive over the levee to the camp alongside the backwaters of the Mississippi with the last vestiges of the days light reflecting off the waters was a silvery mirror of moonlight and day kissing on the surface.
I get to the camp and go into the office to see if there is room. It looks like Memorial Day and the 4th of July combined. The camp is busy.
The person behind the counter is very young. He also looks incredibly like Daniel Radcliffe.
How about Harry Potter.
Glasses and all.
He doesn’t seem to play to it or even acknowledge it.
He’s very helpful and competent.
I get the tent up, loaded and am ready to sleep. It was a good sunny day.
I’m a bit baked and the anxiety of the day makes me want to sleep. But my thoughts intervene. I write till I can’t focus. Play some more of the current Dresden files book until I lose track, become aware enough to shut down the computer. It’s becoming a frequent sequence of events.
And I’m getting tired of being tired..

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