Wednesday, October 1, 2014

03-25-11 “It’s been a Hard Day’ Night

“It’s been a Hard Day’ Night and I’ve been working like my dog
It’s been a Hard Day’ Night. I must be sleeping near a log”
I determine not to stay at Givhans Ferry State another night. Nothing wrong with the park, I just want to get closer to the Charlotte/North Carolina border and spend the next few days catching up on writing. I meet a ranger named Maggie who is very helpful, answering my question about Givhan’s Ferry by printing out a history of the place for me. She also checks on a few places near the Charlotte area for me. Quite the opposite experience I had from the evening before. Definitely true “Southern Hospitality” and gracious kindness. I head north back pretty much the way I got there (minus my over drive). Back on I-26 heading to Columbia I stop at “exit 159” which has a McDonald’s (Internet access) and a big truckstop! The gas is 3.35 - I’ll take it. I spend about 3 ½ hours there. I’m checking things on the internet, getting food for Mischa and myself and checking out some of the interesting gadgets that they have for truck drivers (and which might be useful along this journey as well)! Pillows - I’ve nearly destroyed the two I have - one for sleeping the other behind my car seat, as the seat has had a rip along the side since I bought it and the metal cuts into my left flank without the pillow there. Another item - three variants actually - refrigerators! One ($34.95) is a soft sided cooler that has a good capacity, the $39.95 is a plastic exterior that has the capacity to do hot & cold simultaneously (with two can holder on top) and the big guy ($56.95) a damn mini-fridge. Any one of them would pay for them selves in just savings on Ice and wasted food costs, plus greater food options would be available. Not for now, but when funds are more plentiful - something to conjure with.
We head up the 26 to the 77 beltway bypass of Columbia. It can be seen off to the west, looming massive with many tall structures. As I pass over a lovely wide river I am glad not to be going through the city but rather around it.It’s already after 4pm and I want to get the camp set before dark and I also want to make sure I get to the campgrounds before it closes for the night. Some close before 6pm!
This one does! I find this out at 5:48 as I park and try to find the office! It’s not by the roadside as you’d think. You have to walk up this large lawned area to check which building there might be the listed “Office”. The first is a replica of what Andrew Jackson’s childhood cabin “might” have looked like. The other is…the Museum. I’ve run out of buildings! I go around and neither Mischa nor I can sniff out any other possibilities - the other buildings appear to be Ranger residences. I turn back and it says Museum AND Office (on this side of the building - not on the side I was directed to from the parking lot!) The sign on the door says “closed at 5pm”! Damn. I try the door…it opens! And as I set in….a little beeping alarm goes off and I see someone on the other side of the building…I’m in for it now! (Don’t SHOOT!) But the Ranger is friendly and helps me get a place to camp for the next two nights to end my stay in South Carolina. She is pleasant and helpful, gives me a selection of places to choose from and I select on that has a paved parking strip right on the Lakeside! And it’s 5:58! Phew!
I find that there is not wifi nearby but she suggests that I drive 10 miles NE to Waxhaw rather than back to Lancaster “More and stronger WiFi” she said. I thank her for the tip and plan to go there and get some food for dinner and make a few posts online before the evening ends.
I put the tent up. The parking strip takes up most of the campsite. Choices for where to place the tent are limited to three, by the Fire pit, by the end of the concrete parking strip or on the other side of the strip closer to the water and electric outlets. I choose that. The tarp is down, the tent is up, the ground is soft on one side and hard on the other, stakes go in securely on one side and stick out barely holding on to anything on the other…oh, well.
The site is beautiful, a lake just below with ducks in the water, ducks on the grass below, DUCKS WALKING THRU MY CAMPSITE! Good thing is didn’t pick the side with the fire pit, that’s where 3 of them just paraded by.
As I put up the fly over my tent I see it is covered in green pollen like a fine dust. I try to shake off as much as I can (getting dusted in the process) but much of it clings to the surface. There is rumor of rain the next With the tent up and loaded, it’s time to head off to Waxhaw and internet access.
Five miles north and then a right turn and five miles east. Simple. She didn’t tell me I’d have to drive to another state! Just before entering Waxhaw there is a Welcome to North Carolina sign. Groovy. The town is a old “Historic” village on the road I come in on with lots of little upscale businesses in old buildings very well cared for. And lots of people are out enjoying them. Lots of young people among the old buildings hanging out. It’s good to see. I continue on the road (doing 20mph -the limit) and I have the feeling I’m heading the wrong way. I pull into a gas station and see…a cop car. So I drive up beside him and roll down my window. In my youth this might have gotten me killed, but under my clever disguise as an “old guy” I take him off guard. He’s actually very nice and helpful - puts me back on the right path (isn’t that what they’re supposed to do?) and I head off in search of the Harris-Teeter Market. I get food, internet and head back in just over an hour and a half. It’s fully dark now and I wonder….did the park have lighting near the lock at the gate so I can see the combination? Will I be able to find the turn for the park? Along the last part of the drive I do see signs. As I go along I barely see a lane that opens on the left like a left hand turn lane, I move into it but am suddenly in grass and fighting to prevent a spinout! I get back on the highway and compose myself and check Mischa. She’s fine but wondering what just happened…so am I. I’m presuming I overshot the turn lane but I don’t see how it happened. I go to the next turn around not sure that that was even my turn. It was. A sign points to my destination . I drive cautiously hoping not to have another “Overshoot” or to drive past the opening. It’s very dark but I do fine if. The light is good at he gate so the combination is no problem. Plus the last person who used it only changed one number in the combination when closing it lock (Lazy - what kind of “gated community“ are they used to?) I make sure to mix it up REAL good 5-5-5-5! (It supposed to be 2-4-2-4.…Oh, I’m revealing “Capitol secrets”? like YOU’re gonna use it!)
We drive back in, I stop at the recycling station to put in the trash from my car (And my shorts! Just kidding, I‘m good in crisis mode.)
We have a little meal and then go to sleep. A good full day done. And survived.

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