Wednesday, October 1, 2014

04-02-11 “Reception, I just can’t get no reception

“Reception, I just can’t get no reception
And all I wanna do, is get back to you”
17.3 miles
I’m isolated here in Sunbrust State Park. I have to go nearly 8 miles to get either cell or internet reception.
I call a friend’s mom for her 83rd birthday, but since I talked to here the day before she is less excited about my call. “You called yesterday, that was sufficient”. I guess. I just always liked getting the message ON the day.
I search weather, maps, check email & FB post a few things and then it’s back to the camp. I’ll write a bit more and move a book on tape from my netbook to my ipod shuffle so I can listen to a book on tomorrow’s long drive. I’ve determined that I’ll try to get as close to Gallatin, Tn as possible - at least over the time change line. If I get up early enough I’ll try going up the mountain away from the direction I came into the camp - up to the Blue Ridge Parkway. I’m told by the camp host it’s only about 8 miles up. (why is everything “8 miles “ from this place?)
I do some writing and try to get to sleep around 11 pm. I still don’t sleep well. All the antipation for the next day. I know it’s going to effect the drive tomorrow. Oh, Well, it is what it is, “Who needs sleep (you’re never gonna get it) Who needs sleep (Tell me what’s that for?)”

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