Thursday, October 2, 2014

06-16-11 It’s a good morning and I’m feeling fine!

Oh, smile! A frown would just be passe;
I gotta say, oh what a day!
It’s a good morning and I’m feeling fine!
I spend most of the morning at the gas station posting on the internet and exploring the small town of New Salem. It is very small town. Maybe 15 businesses in the main town proper. 4 blocks deep by 20 wide?
Beside the main street is the railroad. The trains come thru many times a day and two of them come by at 3:15 and 4:30 am . And they lay on the horn as they do. All the way thru town. I’m maybe a mile away and I hear it every night. What must if be like in town?
And at noon a siren goes off. The first time I heard it, I though “Tornado warning” which was weird, because there wasn’t a cloud in the sunny sky. I figured out it was probably from the farmers grain silo location and was their verion on the noon lunch hour bell or whistle that many places use. I wonder what they use if ther is a tornado?
The sky begins to darken later and I go inside the tent. Regional squalls were predicted and it’s hitting us now. Windy and violent thunderstorms. Around 2 am I wake to strong winds and the hint of thunder in the distance.
I get up to check it out. Mischa (unleashed) comes out to. I grab here and look at the storms. One south and one east. I think about packig up right then and going east. But to what point? We go back in and ride it out getting back to sleep around 3 am. I wake at 6 and pack up to leave. It’s been a good stay, but it’s time to move to the east. Two days left.

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