Wednesday, October 1, 2014

03-28-11 The hours of not quite rain

The hours of not quite rain
17.2 Miles
A day of writing and innovation. And a little TV.
Having watched the Weather Channel for the area and understanding that it was going to be a cold and sometimes wet day, but the day following would be sunny, I made the hard choice to stay another day. Paying for another day at the same price line rate was all it took. And then it was tiem to write some current and back pages.
And take a few naps.
During the afternoon the sun came out and it was actually warming, which gave me great hopes for the next day.
And then I started drying things, I’d dried my clothes the night before, but this would be something else. I assembled my tent in the room having already dried out the tent fly and moved each side of the tent to the front of the room heater turning it like a big clumsy parasol.
That, proving successful, I got the quilted blanket and even went out to the car and took out the futon and put it on the roof of my car flipping sides every half hour. If only I’d started before 4pm…
I also came to an epiphany…I didn’t HAVE to post daily (except for the people at the Benefactor & patron levels - and that can be just the last day’s record.) I’d been overwhelmed buy trying to get all caught up with the entire journey to date. I just have to post one a week on my personal page for the supporters and only twice a month for the subscribers on the “Cohalen’s Journey” Facebook community page. That’s all they’re paying for, really. Of course I’ll be posting more, But until I catch up, I just have to post weekly or bi-monthly. (except, again for the readers of my Blog, which should be, now, by invitation only). If I can Keep up with the last day’s writing and type up two to three past notes, then I should be caught up as early as Mississippi.
This is greatly liberating. Now if I could just increase the number of interviews and figure out editing and uploading them…and maybe do some Skype distance interviews. Who knows what could happen?

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