Friday, January 14, 2011

Oh, I'm on my way. I know I am. Somewhere not so far from here.

Like Cat sang, I'm going to wind up where I started from.
Least, that's the plan.
48 states  in 48-9 weeks and back to California from Oregon. Just before Christmas next year.
Along the way camping with my dog Mischa, taking pictures, recording interviews, composing a book of the journey
I've been paid to write for the past 3 months and it felt good to do something productive and get paid for it. Especially something I felt some pride doing and something others seemed to enjoy reading.
So now it's time to attempt to find a way to do this.

My grandfather had a book by Rene Descartes called "The Body of Philofohpy" (The "F's" were used as "S's" back then).
The book had elaborate illustrations of the coat of arms of all the benefactors of the work.
What I propose is a similar endeavor.
50 Benefactors supplying $1 a day for a year ($365)
300 Supporters supplying $1 a week for a year ($52)
600 Subscribers supplying $2 a month for a year ($24)

A total of 950 unique individual benefactors to the work.

At the end of the year, either I will have a book deal or will self publish.
The Benefactors will have their name above a Chapter heading as well as on pages at the back of the book, indexed.
The Supporters will have their name to the top left of a Non Chapter page as well as on pages at the back of the book, indexed.
The Subscribers will have their name to the bottom left or right of a Non Chapter page as well as on pages at the back of the book, indexed.
The 50 Benefactors will get a copy of the book free.
The 300 Supporters will have the option to buy the book at half price.
The 600 Subscribers will have the option to buy the book at a 25% discount.

So - I'm asking for financial help/support on this endeavor.
I know a few people who know me well enough to be my Benefactors on this, and some who have a since of me from the last few years on Facebook that it wouldn't seem too strange to be one of the 50.
But with these economic times as they are, I see it can be a hardship for many of my friends who know me best.
If you do offer to support me on this venture, pick one and only one level of support and only one that feels comfortable to you financially.
If you're unsure, watch Facebook and this blog (only for the 50) as I progress through the states and decide if it's been a good read and worth $24, $52 or even $365. Once I fill a category I will return (or apply to the next lowest open level) the balance of your money (or if you've sent more than on support level.)
I want to solicit funding but at low donation levels and only one donation per person. I guess part of my aim is to see how many friends I can convince to follow this adventure with me.

The plan is to merge the concepts of Steinbeck's "Travel's with Charlie", and Studs Terkel's "Hard Times" & "Working" interviews into a documentary piece about contemporary America.
Seven days in each state, and interview each day, commentary on the days news from that states media, my travelogue, day-to-day minutia of places visited, routes taken, items paid for, supplies used. Rants, photos, audio and perhaps video files along with music & movie or literary quotes strewn about the veiwing landscape for your enjoyment.

I'm also looking for "hosts" people who know me and would be willing to put me and my dog (Mischa) up for a night or two (no more than 3 evenings max) and show me your area, tell me it's history, tell me stories of your dealing with the recent economy, any 99er's or homeless like me you could introduce me to, or anything you might think of that could represent you, your state and our time well.

I feel like I'm being "called" to do this, and have been thinking about this for over a year. But I can't do this alone. I need assistance. And I'm asking for those of you that can see the use of this adventure, as I do, to support me on this journey, this quest.

If you can, send (and put your name in the comments as you would like it in the book) $24, $52, or $365 to
Paypal: for

I expect to begin this journey the week of the 16th - probably in Nevada.
I'll post more as I go along.
- Rik

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